Wednesday, February 2, 2011 0 comments By: QML a day

Module "QtQuick" is not installed

Some of you might have encountered the message module "QtQuick" is not installed
import QtQuick 1.0

This message simply means that the Qt toolkit you are using is a version prior to version 4.7.1. Only from version 4.7.1 you will be able to use the QtQuick module.

First solution:

Change in your qml files the header import QtQuick 1.0 to import Qt 4.7

Second solution:

Download Qt 4.7.1 or higher :

Make sure that the Qt version used by QtCreator is the right one. You can add Qt version 4.7.1 from the preferences:

Just set Qt SDK 4.7.1 binary qmake and enter a proper name in the version name text field.

When you import or create a project select from the Project setup dialog window the Qt version 4.7.1 you just set up. You will be also able to to select the Qt version 4.7.1 for the simulator if you previously set it up in the preferences Qt versions:  

Generate makefile with qmake on Mac OS X

If you are on Mac OS X the command qmake used without options generates an Xcode project file. If you intend to generate a Makefile then you should explicitly define the platform and compiler to use :